Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Four Twenty a Bust in Boulder

Colorado is attempting to up date it's marijuana laws to legalize the stuff and bring honesty to the drug world a good thing to do but ion an election year where the Christian right thinks of themselves a majority not something welcomed by the Republicans who work for the people who own this planet.

They hem and hawing Republicans for some reason what to throw the world back to nineteen fifty one when people drank themselves to death like decent Christian should.
The young think they are having a huge revolution when all they are doing is softening the harsh reality . We are owned body and soul by the Chinese bankers. The Republicans loose a lot of money though legalization after all pot pays for a lot of banking dabt andthe whole war on drugs is a pyramid scam to enrich the bankers in Shanghai.

The youth units in Colorado used to hold a 420 party in Boulder on the quad where thousands would gather un a fine April day and smoke pot and go home. They took themselves seriously and thought what they were do ing was a n earth shaking event. To those who think it might be looked on as getting high, but I am quibbling. The school authorities banned the practice of getting high as being unAmerican and not what university students should do.
he way the Regents came up with was to mobilize then thousand police ,pour fish fertilizer on the Quad and hhave thugs in suits attack the pot smoker on campus. Then as the final insult they raised the tuition. They then closed the University Campus to the public. This is a public university owned by the people of the state of Colorado.. In France when they outlawed men in women's dorms the revolt of 1968 started. All the posturing looked like there might well be student revolt or protest but these are pot smokers , 80% of the student population. They panicked at the idea that they would be fined a hundred dollars if they were caught smoking the evil weed.

These are the the spoiled children of the rich  whose fathers and mothers control their presence in the school. The students did nothing except party off campus. They were afraid to school might discipline them.
In Paris people died for attacking universities in Mexico if the university tried something like that there simply be a replacement of the regents but in Colorado the revolution was canceled by a bunch of Republican worms. The absolute right of free assembly to protest  was canceled by the pigs who steal the the student's money. A truly Matrix talking of the blue pill.

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