Wikileaks has arrived big time over the last few months.It's a real life adventure complete with sex, violence, law and loads of official criminality.
The United States has gone rogue again, the last time this happened with any seriousness was nineteen seventeen when a Democratic, academic, President lost control of the country to bankers and the British Government.
Wilson set up a police state with AG Palmer and his main girlie man Hoover. They were impowered to break the back of the IWW, Industrial Workers of the World.
The IWW saw the war in Europe as a war on radical movements.
The bankers had the press under their thumb the Hurst empire hated the unions (as much as Disney ) as did the emerging later facist Ford Corperation. Hurst called for the round up of radicals and and the bankers saw that the war would execute a generation that they felt were infected with radiucal thinking. Meanwhile the masters of capitalism were financing the Klan (which ruled the western states as well as the South.) Klansmen executed union organizers and Blacks and Indians in all the Western states and continued to rule states like Colorado until the ninteen sixties.
The forces of government moved against the union and other radicals even after the war ended. America became a police state, unions broken working people robbed by the banks and the Robber Bankers were setting up the Great Depression without an organized opposition. Intellectuals fled for Europe as soon as the guns stopped firing, the country became brainless and stayed that way until the Beats appeared.
That is what is being set up now. Play boy doper president Bush gives way to an intellectual without a past who is given office by the bankers who stole three generations wealth. I think we are entering darker times that our grandparents.
photo copyright c.coit
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