Yes the picture is ugly but then wars are ugly. And the people who wage them are uglier. So called warriors be they Islamic or from the west are horrid people pretending to bring liberation while chaining people to primitive belief systems far older than the current gods they fight for. Who is more prmitive the Islamic with his god of stoning and worship of the moon and the male member or the convenent Christian with his god of commodity and facist conformity.
There is a third God the dead god of Marx slain by its acolytes, the corrupt administrators, but then are not all administrators corrupt. Look at China caught in the vise of corruption. Look at the United States a newly enslaved nation of fools paying for the excess of it's ruling class. Or look at their lap dogs the Brits losing their health and education systems to pay for few bankers games.
Look at Assange jailed by a woman for not giving her the quality of orgasm she demanded. Look at the crotch sniffing Swedes arrogant in their enforcement of laws centering on personal pleasure while claiming sexual liberation. Their kingdom is a farce their laws absurd.
And the fascist empire called America looking with it's Chinese ally for any excuse to limit freedom: sexual and intellectual. The only good news is the empires crater quickly especially those dependent on thugs criminal administrators ruling with fragile technologies.
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